On Tuesday, January 6, a new entrance policy was introduced to Big Sky High School. The policy calls for the commons entrance to be locked after 8:35 a.m. and aims to prevent students from entering through the commons during class.
According to Big Sky Vice Principal Christine Hiller-Claridge, better known as HC, the policy was an agreement between the members of the admin team.
“We believe it would lower the amount of kids sneaking out of school,” HC said.
This week, the entrance policy has been in full swing. Students have had mixed reactions to the change. Some feel it’s a necessary step to ensure accountability during school hours, while others believe it to be an inconvenience, especially those who tend to arrive late due to unforeseen circumstances, like traffic.
“This policy isn’t what the school should be focused on,” said Ronen Moore, a student attending Big Sky.
However, more than a week into the new entrance policy, Assistant Principal Jack Young believes it is effective.
He did acknowledge that the policy can be an inconvenience for students arriving late, but said, “it’s a safety feature that has been a long time coming.”