What’s Happenin’ Eags


Illustration by Aaron Toney

Maddie Crandall, Editor-in-Chief

As the students of Big Sky, we deserve to know what’s going on in our school.

Instead, we are constantly bombarded by unexpected and random events and never know what’s happening. How are we supposed to know what is expected of us when we don’t have any idea what is even going on? During homecoming week alone we had two separate assemblies, and none of the students knew about what they were or when they were until we were at them.


Although some information is put into the daily announcements, very few of the teachers here are proactive in showing them or even mentioning them in class, which leads to a complete lack of information amongst students and makes clubs miss out on the publicity they need to get students to join.


With the banning of the remind app, there is no longer an effective way for students and teachers to contact each other for classes or extracurriculars. The school sends emails with some information that students are supposed to check. However even with emails, students are lacking essential information, things that they need to know about events in the school. It’s essential that teachers have a fast and easy way for them to communicate with their students, whether it be for extracurricular activities or just normal classwork.


Something needs to change in order for students to have a better understanding of the happenings at Big Sky, not even the most organized and knowledgeable students can keep up with the current way things are done.

When we don’t know what we’re going to be doing on any given day, life becomes chaotic, and it’s that chaos that causes resentment and annoyance with the school, leading students to have a lack of respect and eventually to rebel against the administration.