Ms. Mooney Ends a Great Career

Angel Williams, Photo Editor

Unlike last year there aren’t  very many retiring teachers. Ms. Mooney, a math teacher at Big Sky is enjoying the last few weeks of her career before her retirement.

DeeAnn Mooney has been teaching for over 20 years, “I’ve been teaching for 21 years,” Mooney shares, “I taught out at Frenchtown High School for 9 years and before that I taught for 2 year up at the high line in Valier Montana, I’ve taught at Big Sky for 10 years.”

Every teacher has their own favorite or best memory at the school they taught or are teaching at. Mooney’s favorite memories where the senior projects she got to either help out with or see, “I would say that my favorite moment would probably be overall serving as a senior project coordinator,” says Mooney. “I got to see seniors at their best and working on their projects and their pride in the project.”

Before Ms. Mooney leaves she wants to tell teachers and students to try new ways to make materials students learn more exciting and applicable, “I would like to tell teachers and students alike to get involved outside of what your usual activities are, to look for new experiences, and to find new ways to make the material you study (or teach) more applicable and exciting.”