Threats, Lockdown at Big Sky

More stories from Wesley Rolle

Big Sky High School

Today, February 22, Big Sky High School was put on soft lockdown at approximately 11:45 after the discovery of a new development in a string of seemingly unrelated threats against the school. No shooters were active in the building at any point in time.

A “soft lockdown” is a perimeter lockdown. Officials locked exterior doors to the building while staff, administrators, and law enforcement stationed at the main entrance monitored the comings and goings of all people. Students and staff were still permitted to move inside the building.

The lockdown came in response to a new threat found graffiti-ed in the girls’ bathroom of the F building of the school, according to an email sent out to students, staff and parents through Connect 5.

The threat read, “Don’t be at Big Sky at 1:20.”

This message comes after an earlier threat was found written in one of the boys’ bathrooms warning students to not come to school on February 23. Students discovered the message on February 21 and reported it to administration after school.

The school has brought in additional law enforcement to sweep the building and secure student safety. At this point, there have been no additional threats made, according to an email sent out to families by District Director of Communications Hatton Litman.

All the incidents were brought to attention by concerned students. Assistant Principal Matt Clausen stressed the administration’s appreciation for all actions to preserve student safety.