The Super Skippers preforming in front of Big Sky. (Angel Williams )
The Super Skippers preforming in front of Big Sky.

Angel Williams

2018 Spring Assembly

April 25, 2018

This Tuesday morning’s assembly opened up with the robotics team

Big Sky's Robotic's team shoots shirts with one of their robots during the assembly.
Angel Williams
The Robotics team opened up the assembly shooting shirts at Big Sky students .

Student body presidents Gabe and Mackenzie gave a few announcements including announcing the upcoming dance concert held this Thursday and Friday by Drama students.

Gabe and Mackenzie making announcements to Big Sky students
Angel Williams
Gabe and Mackenzie making announcements.

After that Gabe and Mackenzie introduced the Special Olympics.

The Special Olympics Students.
Angel Williams
Special Olympics students

Then the assembly had a class competition. The sophomores won against freshmen, and Seniors won against Juniors.

The second and final round was Seniors against Sophomores, congratulations to Seniors for winning the competition.

Seniors beat the Sophomores is a class competition during the assembly
Angel Williams
Seniors Against Sophomores.

The assembly also held a blind folded race between two students and two teachers, the teachers ended up winning.

students VS teachers in a race
Angel Williams
Students against teacher in a race.

The Super Skippers gave a performance in front of all Big Sky students.

Two Super Skippers doing a trick while jump roping
The Super Skippers performance.
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